Casio ClassPad II Custom Commands

tSolve (Function)

Command last updated 23/11/2022.


tSolve(Vin, QVin, Vout, Vo, Qo)

Returns an equation relating Q the quantity of solute in the tank and t time.


A tank initially has \(20 \mathrm{kg}\) salt dissolved in \(100 \mathrm{L}\) water, with pure water flowing into the tank at \(10 \mathrm{L/minute}\) and solution flowing out of the tank at \(5 \mathrm{L/minute}\). Find the equation which relates the mass of salt and time. (2016 Specialist Exam 2 Section B Question 3a)

tSolve(10, 0, 5, 100, 20)

Contributed by Nhan