Casio ClassPad II Custom Commands

intpts (Program)

Command last updated 9/7/2022.


IMPORTANT - requires printpts stored in the same folder as your current folder or in the “library” folder (see the Variable Manager).

intpts(f, g, l, u)

Returns a list of coordinates of points of intersection of f and g.


Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the graphs of \((x-1)^3 (x+2)^3\) and \((x-1)^2 (x+2)^3\). (2019 NHT Methods Exam 2 Section B Question 1a)

intpts((x-1)^3 (x+2)^3, (x-1)^2 (x+2)^3, -∞, ∞)

Contributed by Nhan